Watercolor spring
Even though it's snowing outside, it is Spring actually, so I decided to do some kind of watercolor bodypainting, haha.
I wanted to paint a certain flower, but I had more fun doing these random flowers, haha ^^"
Also I thought I'd be able to paint those in "one stroke" technique, but I ain't got water bodypaints in colours (just black and grey), so I had to do it with eyeshadows and water :<
Anyway, I hope you like it
Have a nice day, I have to clean my house for Jesus \m/
huhuhu, bake bake
Ciekawy pomysł i ładnie to wygląda. Twoje wypieki zawsze takie smakowite na zdjęciach. :)
OdpowiedzUsuńDzięki - wiadomo, że trochę techniki brakuje :)
UsuńI smakują dobrze (przeważnie) :D